It's Not Just About the Money!


Evaluating your options and determining where you will spend your retirement years is an important part of the Your Countdown to Retirement process. So many questions need to be asked and answered, like:

  • House For SaleWill you stay in your current home or will you move?
  • Where is your ideal retirement location?
  • Will you buy or rent a larger or smaller home?
  • If you stay in your current location, do you know what improvements to make so you can age in place?

The Your Countdown to Retirement book covers many of the topics you should consider when deciding where to live in retirement.

Interior of HouseBut there are so many factors to think about and decisions to be made we created a complete coaching program on this topic!

Click here to buy the book

Click here for information on YCTR Retirement Location Coaching

“I’m so glad my husband and I sold our house and moved before we both retired. I never would have considered doing it if I hadn’t read Kathryn’s book and followed her advice.”